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Welcome to my space of improvement

My name is Dan Thuy and I am a NGH (National Guild of Hypnosis) certified hypnotherapist and mental coach.

Let me start by telling you a bit what hypnosis and hypnotherapy is about.

Hypnosis is a state of increased perception, that focusses on the subconscious mind, which is where answers and solutions can be found.

Hypnotherapy can be a torch that sheds light on certain behaviours, patterns, beliefs, negative self-talk. It accesses your hidden resources to allow healing take place.

It gives access to the hidden resources that we carry inside us and that can heal.


The wisdom we have in us, allows us to open the doors  to the potential we carry within.



Mental blockages, emotional ballast and outdated self-beliefs

Sometimes self-limiting beliefs, mental blockages or emotional ballast weigh us down and prevent us from reaching our goals in life. It might be them who make our lives difficult, slow us down or prevent us from achieving our best possible performance. Very often those blockages can be a major obstacle in sports, where we can’t achieve our best performance under the stress of the competition. Mental strength can help us move to the next level in sports but also generally in life.


Work with your "Inner Child"

If experiences, we made as a child are not dealt with in a constructive way, and our “inner Child” is ignored, it makes itself heard and by manifesting its needs very often in situations of stress. We then overreact in an immature, impulsive and overemotional way, in a manner that is not appropriate to the situation. With hypnosis we can heal those wounds from our childhood, we can dissolve those outdated beliefs, which leads to a balanced and peaceful relationship with our “Inner Child”.


Children and teenagers

When children and teenagers suffer from a low self-esteem, a lack of self-confidence, from fear, phobias or other negative emotions, hypnotherapy can help them find a way to. healthier self. For school related issues like anxiety before exams or trouble with concentration or motivation, the visualisation method of MindTV can be of great help.

Happy Kids 3.jpg

Addicitve behaviors (e.g. quitting smoking)

Do you want to rid yourself from the addiction of cigarettes, alcohol or other substances once and for all and live your life free and healthy again? It’s in the subconscious mind that we can find the triggers for the cravings and hypnosis can give us access to the subconscious. Hypnosis can support you break the chains of addictive behaviour.

Quit smoking 3.jpeg

Trouble with sleeping

Even if sleep and trouble with sleep are quite a very complex subject, hypnosis can be of help when it comes to identify possible reasons at the origins of this issue. Finding and resolving the reasons in the subconscious mind can finally allow us to get the restful and healthy sleep we deserve.


But also with the following:

- couples therapy - self-esteem and self-confidence - support for weight loss - Entspaanungshypnose - fears and phobias - depressioun and burnout - get over a seperation - tinnitus - and much more...




140 € per hour (60 minutes), after which I charge every 15 minutes.. The preliminary talk usually takes up to 1 to 1,5 hours


140 € per hour (60 minutes), after which I charge every 15 minutes.. The hypnosis-session usually takes up to 1 to 1,5 hours



E Merci wor fir mech nach net mat souvill Emotiounen verbonnen wéi dest keier.
MERCI Dan datts du mir mat denger Hypnose mee och mat denger immens menschlescher Art souvill gehollef hues.
Main Fouss Wéi huet mech zreck gehaalen d’Liewen richteg ze genéissen, d‘Peng wor main konstante Begleeder. 
Als Sportler ass daat eng haard Noss net méi där Leidenschaft nogoen ze kennen  déi engem alles bedéit. 
Seitdem mir ugefaangen hun geet et mir vill besser an ech spieren do ass nach villes méiglech. Meng Gedanken kreesen net mei permanent em main Fouss an ech hun nees eng gewessen Liewensfreed zereck déi op der Streck léien bliwwen wor.
Ech kann nemme jiddereen ermutegen d‘Hypnose ze probéiren. Et ass keng Zauberei. Wann een eppes an sengem Liewen ännere well, muss een de Wee selwer goen. Duerch d‘Hypnose geet et awer vill mei liicht.


"Léiwen Dan, ech sinn immens frou, dass ech mech op d'Aventure vun der Hypnos agelooss hunn. Deene Leit, di zécken, kann ech nëmme soën, dass et net deen Hokus-Pokus ass, fir deen et oft gehal gëtt. Mir fir mäin Deel huet et gehollef, mi befreit a positiv u Verschiddenes erunzegoen, an en anere Bléckwénkel ze kréien. Maueren, di mer am Wee stoungen, sinn zu mi klenge Koppe ginn, op déi ech mech trauen eropzeklammen. Ech denken, dass ech nach weider Verbesserungen duerch d'Hypnos wäert kënne erliewen, di éischt war ganz positiv an ech si fest dovunner iwwerzeegt, dass nach Potenzial ka fräigeluecht ginn. Merci dir 🙏"


"Ech hun selten e Mënsch/Therapeut/Spezialist gesin, deen esou 100% séngem Optrëtt um Internet entsprëcht. Du bass d'Definitioun vun authentësch. Bravo!

Du hues en Don fier mat Kanner ze schaffen, dat taascht e Blannen mam Bengel. Gudd, dass Du dech selbstänneg gemaach hues, ier däin Idealismus vun Verzweiflung d'Bréck erofgesprongen wier."


“Ech muss awer soen, dass ech déi läscht Wochen ganz entspaant war a sinn, an dass ech ganz kloer mierken, dass déi Hypnose eppes bei mir geännert 

a bewierkt huet. 

An doriwwer sinn ech extrem frou a glécklech.”


“Hallo Dan, 

Ech wollt mech dann elo emol no mengem läschten Rendez-Vous virun 2 Wochen bei dir mellen. 😊

Ech hat eng wonnerschéin Vakanz... an et huet gutt gedoën mech net esou  vill mei op mein Mo ze konzentréieren, ech hunn den trigger puer mol missten asetzen an et klappt gutt mat den Wolleken dei weiderzeien 😊

Opallefall sinn ech frou dass ech bei dir war.

Du mess eng wonnerbar Aarbecht! 🤗 

mach weider esou!”




Simpson Protocol

The Simpson Protocol is a hypnotherapy technique, designed to access deep levels of the subconscious mind, enabling healing and resolution of issues, without the client needing to discuss or relive traumatic events.

Virtual Gastric Band

Would you like to finally achieve your desired weightloss goal without any restrictive diet but with the help of the Virtual Gastric Band? Then don't wait any longer and get in touch for your first appointment.



My name is Dan Thuy.

After beeing a teacher in elementary school for 24 years, I decided to turn that page and write a new chapter in my life in 2023.

I got certified as a NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists) hypnotherapist and did a number of specialisations in different fields.


My experience as a school teacher and a specialisation as a visualisation coach at MindTV put me into a competent place to help kids and teens solve their issues.


My experience as a long-distance runner and my certification in sportshypnosis, put me in a perfect position to help you reach your goals, overcome possible obstacles and push your mental boundaries in your sport.


In a place of total confidentiality, mutual respect, without any judgement but with empathy, I am looking forward to helping you find the answers and solutions you need to live the best possible life.

This is me, Dan Thuy, hypnotherapist and mental coach
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